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Element clothing and accessories

Wind, Water, Fire and Earth are the foundations of the Element seed, planted in 1992.

Since its humble beginnings, Element was created out of passion and an unwavering dedication to making a positive difference. The tree continues to grow while it respects its deepest roots and embraces the landscape of skateboarding, and the lifestyle that surrounds it.

From team riders to advocates, and product to marketing, Element is all inclusive, whose mission is to lead not follow, and leave an imprint deep enough, that it continues to make the world a better place.

"Our goal was simple, to be the best we coud in the most honest and ethical way possible (…) Today we continue to create art, direction and message on the constant path to bring progress to skateboarding. We are more than a business; we are a family, all on the same journey for the growth within ourselves, Element and all that surrounds us" - Johnny Schillereff, founder of Element.